World press

Trump Says ‘Everyone Thinks’ He Deserves Nobel Peace Prize for N Korea Talks

US President Donald Trump said Wednesday that everyone believed he should get the Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishments in resolving the North Korean crisis, but the award has never been his goal.

When asked whether he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, Trump told reporters, “Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.”

The US president added the one and the only reward he really wants “is victory for the world.”

In April, South Korean President Moon Jae-in suggested Trump should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for the settlement of the Korean crisis.

Moon and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held a historic summit on April 30. The two officials signed a joint declaration, agreeing to take measures to support international efforts aimed at denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and proceed with reunion programs for the separated Korean families.

The same day, Trump said that he would hold a meeting with the North Korean leader in “the coming weeks.”

While the world is highly anticipating Trump’s summit with Kim, the administration has not yet announced the exact time and location of it. The US president said more information would be released in the upcoming days.

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